Sunday, July 5, 2009

Progesterone And Vertigo

Publications Curriculum vitae of the author

Given the difficulties of placing the links of my posts on all my blogs, I have chosen by uploading them on the place where most required. For this reason I refer to my BLOG:

In this blog I'm uploading all my publications to be available to all interested parties to consult or be downloaded directly server where they are. In this blog are categorized by subject in the right sidebar, thematic categories:

Direct links to each category of publication are:

author Publications I

Environmental Education Publications Author Research Methodology II

author Publications Education and Pedagogy III

author Publications
IV Ecobiologia
author Publications Museology V Protected Areas and Ecotourism

those categories exist in detail and citation of each publication and eventually especially in the case of books, an image of the / s covers the same too.

Enjoy them ...

Made in Bo liv ia
For American
For Big Country, Latin America ...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Specialized Crossroads Bike

and Biodiversity Informatics Postdoctoral
Doctor Cs. Biology, Ecology
BA in Cs. Biological Zoology
Esp Higher Education
IUCN / SSC Species Survival Commission (Honorary member)
Honorary Citizen of the Aymara Nation Qullana

Richard Henry. Is Postdoctoral Biodiversity Informatics and the University of Kansas (USA), Doctor in Biology, or Ecology at the National University of Cuyo (Argentina), BA in biology or zoology from the University of Tucumán (Argentina) and Diploma Process Management Teaching and Learning University by the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (Bolivia). Since 1990, elected member of the Species Survival Commission of IUCN (Morges, Switzerland). In 2003, he was distinguished as Honorary Citizen of the Aymara Nation Qullana the People's Parliament Qullana Aymara (Bolivia) in recognition of the work of intellectual property rights of indigenous peoples and their natural resources. Has consulted in the environmental, eco-biological, educational and ecotourism, for private and state sector in several Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru), many of which have resulted in publications. In Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru, has been and is (1985 - 2010) Professor of university degree in biology, ecology and environmental engineering, and as a graduate teaching and research (1996 - 2010), in master's and doctoral graduates and linked to biology, environment, wildlife management, ecology, ecotourism, education, research methodology, etc. In his scholarly work has received over 23 awards and prizes. In the area of \u200b\u200bresearch, teaching and research has been for 25 years, Director of Investigations of numerous programs and academic institutions. The research results have been exposed in more than 50 international scientific events and reflected in more than 500 (Hundred) publications, including books, journals and book chapters, all with refereeing and indexing. Geographical areas of research covered (Papers published) include: Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru and the Altiplano ecosystems, Amazonia, Coastal Desert, Monte, Yungas, Chaco (wet and dry), Selva Paranaense, Patagonia, Pampa, espeleoambientes, etc. In the area of \u200b\u200bhuman resource development has led thesis, Degree (Specialist, Master and PhD) and professional and student internships. In Management has been part of various governments university, public and private universities in Argentina and Bolivia and has been Director of various academic and private institutions. The relevancy of their work at international level has been discussed by an international scientific committee, in the Encyclopaedia Britannica (Book of the Year, 1990). Also, your name and person have appeared with their research programs of the BBC documentary of London (Sir David Attenboroug), Adventure of Man (Argentina), TN Ecology, etc. .. Orality has extensive skills and leadership. He speaks, reads, writes and publishes in English, among others ...

CV - PDF versions

1 .- Curriculum vitae short analytical

2 .- Curriculum vitae (no attachments)

3 .- ANNEX I: List of publications by subject area

4 .- ANNEX II: Descriptive Catalogue of publications (only until 2006)

5 .- ANNEX III: List of Awards received by the author

6 .- ANNEX IV: Photo tour through some experiences of the author (to 2003)