She has caught March
24th, 2011 Hello, Pandas
But what is this? My mouth can only smile.: Mrgreen: Oh no, I too have caught the virus of spring. You've been Max.
Yesterday was to ask Lenny quite a lot of hearts tirármelos. I felt like a basketball net.
Max, could be a professional athlete!
Hehe, I practiced all day on the court.
For less evil hearts do not hurt. Quite the contrary, are warm as a cup of cocoa.
fantastic I think the idea of \u200b\u200bLenny to search Panfu lonely hearts to give a little love.
As Paul the child. I would have liked to give him a shot.
was stunned and then we put his little arms.
No wonder. Paul the child receives lots of love from Kamaria, but she can not be with him forever. You have to collect plants and teach the pandas. Sure, it feels alone in his room. Let's see what is as follows heart to do happy. Who is alone in Panfu or is a little hard to crack? Hmmmm ...
While She thinks about it, I'll show you the new spring collection inspired by the elves:
I have it! Gonzo! Seems like a cool but I have not been accompanied by a girl ...
still think I'm going to miss while some hoops to direct my career as a basketball player.
you well Max
and PS: almost all successful with pictures of yesterday! Here are the answers: a) the castle courtyard, b) barn, c) jungle, d) stable of ponies, e) swimming pool, f) San Franpanfu
H wave pandas! !! Were ????!! Max fulfilled!! You should now be through the roof xD
Pandas I want to inform my movie is coming! A mystery movie yesterday
sofi recorded one hand and a mini preview ... SOFI DISAPPEAR IN THE FIRST!
pandas sofi good plays my best friend my bff bone. Well pandas!
other hand we will record these days, and then waited for the golden day! : D (approaching)
That I think is next week on Friday: s xD I'm not sure tannn.
You know Panfu changes! Anyway, good luck !!!!! pandas Chauuuu
Trust Your reporter: Calu
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