Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Can I Spend My New Look Gift Card Online?

April 24, 2010. Macusani, Peru, a trip to the World Capital Alpaca ...

Between 24 and April 27 we left by road from La Paz (State Bolivia) to the town of Macusani, in the Dept of Puno in the neighboring Republic of Peru, together with my host and responsible for inviting Mr. Néstor Chambi Vellido. The road from La Paz, is entirely paved. Desaguadero crossing the border with Peru, stopped at a small place that specializes in marine delicacies (in full highland and 3800 m). There we were compelled to purge our sorrows and sins with a crackling mixed seafood really had everything and really delicious (See photo and corpus delicti), the price? 20 soles (about 50 Bs and 25 Argentine pesos) and we had four people !!!!.
At approximately 14 pm continued our journey and we were short of time as we did very few stops to the city of Juliaca, but not before taking a few photos of the incredibly beautiful sacred lake Titicaca ... and unfortunately many of its farms thousands of trout (Oncorhynchus mikiss ), a species that is doing the local ecological sins ( Orestias spp, Telmatobius culeus , etc.).

arrived in Juliaca approximately 18 hours, we stayed at Hotel Royal Inn (highly recommended, about 120 soles a dining room and excellent). The morning of day 25 restart the journey from Juliaca to Macusani, left early (06:00 pm) and again in a hurry and that we should be at 09:00 pm at Macusani, so the routes can still go to 120 km / h safely , which allows you to make some stops forced to take pictures. In this stretch we admire a beautiful chullpa (Inca burial) on the banks of the route and
reaching the village of San Antón, hillsides and lagoons around at 4500 meters a special copies of the largest bromeliad (up to 12 m in height and 100 years) of the World, Puya raimondii , beautiful (see photo).
really the way to Macusani is extremely distracting and make it for tourism, the 200 km between Juliaca and Macusani would have to make one or two days by the many archaeological attractions, historical and natural siblings Peruvians have ... We only did a couple of stops before arriving at Macusani, toilet and photograph herds of alpacas. In Macusani Alpacas could see more boards I've seen in my life which I thought wonderful, because unfortunately the Andean highlands have more and more cows and sheep that have won it deserves, the camel ...

Finally, we arrived at Macusani time to time for breakfast and lunch and of course take some pictures of the local cathedral and the "local sparrows ( Sicalis lutea) that flood local housing and of course, the embellish too ...
At approximately 14 hours began my talk versed in curriculum design and teaching profile in the context of the Workshop for Directors Advisory Level Pädagoge Initial Elementary and Secondary Education, it had to take 4 hours but lasted almost 5, but the public faithfully accompanied at all times. It was an amazing experience, and even more pleased to see how it is promoted in the neighboring country the production model, and the rescue of identity and belonging, something that after the mayor at the time of surrender homenjaernos and official pins and a beautiful Alpaquita Macusani bronze showed us the literary production of their teachers. Congratulations, ladies and gentlemen!
then would with great pleasure and satisfaction rescue other expressions of identity and belonging, an example to follow here in Bolivia. Among Meeting with authorities also paid tribute to his prodigal son, Mr. Néstor Chambi, it was night and we had to sacrifice with a dinner consisting of trout (Whole) with fries, salad and rice ... jejejej revenge for what causes trout in Lake Titicaca ecosystem ... The next morning, we returned early (07:00) to Juliaca and with the clock running because I had to return to La Paz on 28. Output of the imposing hill we parted with his 5780 m Allincápac
On the road, we encountered an Andean woodpecker (Colaptes rupicola ) hit a pity ... I got to photograph the wall and ground out another route, maybe your partner and without, unfortunately, fear my presence posed for about 20 pictures, amazing! My birthday ...
alpacas continue to see and photograph, and close to San Anton, photograph a classic village church painted yellow.
I often wonder why so many churches photograph, if I'm not a believer? Well, just because the churches, besides being beautiful buildings are the fingerprint of each populated and / or region ... So we come to own village of St. Anton has a really impressive 16-century church and on the slopes of the mountains that shelter it could do with much, much, much welcome a beautiful mixed forest of kiswara ( Buddleja sp) and flutes ( Polylepis sp) ancient and enormous size really ...
below, we find other formations Puya raimondii (What happiness !!!). Also a cactus photographer very fine white hairs ( Some kind soul that identifies, for please) ...

already near Juliaca, we could see from the car to a flame have between cattle through!.
Juliaca Reaching his entrance was a square playground and curiously started from a Chullpa slide! Congratulations inicitiva, what better for the rescue of identity and belonging!.
lunch in Juliaca, we celebrated my birthday and at the initiative of Mr. Nestor Chambi we felt the need for punishment with a crackling again mixed seafood in a nice site called "The Cebichón"! Thanks Nestor!. After photographing the beautiful church and a reminder of a Latin American endemic, lack of work and self-esteem ...

After that, we return to La Paz ... On the way we photograph the posters that make a revaluation of the cultural heritage of Peru (Chullpas) ... How I would like to see happen in Bolivia ...

farewell photo, a sunset full moon on Lake Titicaca and people picking up the quinoa ... This, the first trip that included in the blog,
was a trip, although hand-held camera, which left me a taste to want more, which inevitably will lead to new experience, but more time for the beautiful Bolivian altiplano Peruano ... I deeply appreciate the kindness, hospitality and not the endurance to my traveling companion, Mr. Néstor Chambi, my host in Mr. Percy Málaga Macusani Huaman, Prof. Justo Zuluaga, all friends, fellow teachers and all those who are the reason for being and existence of our profession, students ... Thanks ...

Made in Bolivia
For Big Country, Latin


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