There are tangible and intangible assets ... as there are people who themselves are a living heritage ... Overwhelmed by work, urgently needed an escape and therapy, fresh air and why not? Interact with a real teacher, teacher, institution and heritage of Bolivia, Latin America and the world ... Sunday, May 9 at 07:00 I looked out our window and saw the beautiful La Paz ...
and climate, while low temperature (10 0C) looked good, the winds and the gods were favorable to us, so part Denise, Melissa and I in our trusty '90 Toyota Corolla Lake Titicaca, the Sacred Lake. With the wind in its sails arrived at the town of Huatajata, where we met the family of Don Esteban Paulino "Master" undertaken the task of construction of a huge raft of reeds ... Who is Don Paulino Esteban? Well, first of all a master of the last dynasty of builders and final aymara Andean custodian of the secrets of the big boats of reeds, with an extensive curriculum between what we have built out the rafts that made history: Kon Tiki, RA II, Tigris, for researchers Dr. Thor Heyerdahl, URU for Dr. Kitín Chimok Muñoz and Dr. Pedro Neira ... Now the whole family was committed to the task once again to build a new large pond, who knows how to plow new ground, where seas and winds ...
On the opposite side another worker hand carving guide the rudder of the boat ...

The stalls selling handicrafts and replicas of ships that made history ...
admiring the complex and the work it is ...
Paulino's wife Dn Esteban showing some of the local crafts of the family ... Dn
Ms Pauline showing the art of highland yellow peppers macerated in the preparation of the "llajua" (Hot sauce that accompanies almost every meal altiplano) ...
In a corner the "Eden" Don Paulino could take a shot of "geese" of their own ...
warm interior of the Museum of Pauline Dan, as no could it be otherwise is completely built of reeds ... In it there are signs of local Telerin reed and crafts including replicas of the boats built by Don Paulino ...
Faces Teacher!, with the scars of time and wisdom! The faces of the experience ...
The faces of the proud team of Don Esteban Paulino ...
With batteries recharged, then visit the Open Classroom Dn Paulino Esteban and the satisfaction of having visited again the last custodian of the operation and construction of large reed boats of the world, continue to travel ... Thanks Paul!
Made in Bo liv ia
For Big Country, Latin
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