Fiestas of Tourist Interest
Del 3 al 8 Carnaval de Laza (SC).
6 and 8 Fiesta de la Adrolla and Carnaval de Viana do Bolo . Viana do Bolo (SC).
Days 3-8 Carnival Verín . Verin (Ourense).
Fiesta Day 5 of the caravel Pinta Arribada . Baiona (Pontevedra).
Day 8 Folión traditional Carnival Hardness . Hardness (SC). Day 8
Carnival Ginzo Lima . Xinzo Lima (SC). Day 8
Carnival Cobres . Vilaboa (Pontevedra).
Fair Day 13 attacks Wiki. Wiki (Sao Paulo).
16th and 17th Wine Fair Amandi . Sober (Lugo). Day 25
Meeting tasting corn crow . Meira-Bueu (Pontevedra).
Fiestas gastronomic

Festival Day 13 Filloa . Boqueixón (A Coruña).
Folk Festival
Day 18 Night of the Nuggets. Mugardos Ferrol (A Coruña).
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