Carnival in Galicia call came, and is an ancient ritual, ancestral. Its origins date back to prehistory. The protagonists are
peliqueiros, boteiros, screens, foleiros, cum, Felos, troiteiros and other fantasy characters that run, dance, whip or throw angry ant to the public.

Galician Entroido The most ancient are the Magic Triangle Ourense: Xinzo, Laza and Verin.
peliqueiros Laza I celebrate input from the 3 to 8 March. The sound of heavy bells collide-waist subject to notice of appearance in the Praza da Picota, armed with whips and wearing masks of evil mustachioed smile, leggings, jerkin and a sort of turban which represent different animals are a package that weighs more than fifteen kilos and can cost between 2,000 and 3,000 euros. The costumes and masks are made in Laza craft or Castro, the village where anthropologists place the origin of the character.
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